Ax Faction – NEMESIS

The guys at Ax Faction are at Figureworld in Oundle this weekend and they have a new release to coincide with the event. Cue stage left, Nemesis a classic, incense swinging, scythe wielding, evil necromantic type.

Oh, and he is standing on the rotting severed hand of a rather large beasty…

I have really tried to capture the eerie feel of the original artwork and tried to match the colours as close as possible. I have painted his robes as thick dark leather and even copied the freehand on the red shoulder sash.

After chatting with Paul at Ax, we decided that it would be great to try and add some smoke to his censer and I almost bottled it at the last minute, but I am so glad we went for it as it adds another dimension to the model.

He is available from Ax Faction right now if you like him


But what’s next on the bench?

I still have that top secret commission which just needs a plinth sorted so it shouldn’t be too long before I can finally share my progress there, but other than that I have some ideas I want to do for a couple of quick miniatures to keep the juices flowing… A piece by Infamy Miniatures and a rather unusual iron man style goblin!

Watch this space!

One thought on “Ax Faction – NEMESIS

  1. Very cool figure! I love the stylized yet minimalist design to Nemesis, I imagine he’d be a very relentless foe in any game and of course, makes for a great display piece. I’m really liking these Ax Faction figures, they have my attention!!

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